How to write your CV

Hi people! 🙂

At the beginning I didn’t intend to write separate post about the CV, but when I realized, that there are so many details and tips I would share, I quickly made up my mind. Your CV is one of the most important thing during your whole application, so make sure it is as perfect as possible. The recruiter has less than a minute to have a look at your CV and your photo, so you have to make it remarkable and clear.

Your CV should be:
– Maximum 1-2 pages long
– Only with relevant information (no one cares you have driving license or you completed a language/scuba diving course)
– There is not too much to read, you do not need to write in sentences
– Colorful (always have 1-2 extra copies with you!)


This is a part of my CV. I had five sections all together:
– Basic information
– Social activity
– Work experience
– Education
– Language

Basic information

It should contain only your most relevant details. These are should be your full name, your mobile phone number, your e-mail address and your date of birth. Your address in simply not relevant, the recruiter has nothing to do with this information.
In the beginning I did not write my date of birth down, because I have heard everywhere, that this is something which is not important. When I was in Bratislava on the assessment day in June and I submitted my CV, the recruiter asked me about my date of birth and when I answered, she  wrote it down on my CV. For any reasons, it was important for her to know. This is why I would suggest you to put it into your resume, because the same could happen to anyone.
Nationality is another thing which you do not need to detail. If you write your mother tongue down, the recruiter will have a clue about your nationality.

Social activity 

I put my volunteering experience on the top, because I think this is the most important detail about me and I wanted to make sure, that the recruiter was going to notice it. This is something you need to be proud of, so that’s why it should be on the top :).

Work experience

I also detailed four of my work experiences, all customer service or child care. 3-4 thoughts for each is enough, as you can see below. Do not write more than this, because the recruiter is not going to read it due to the lack of time. Focus only on your customer service or manager experiences, or something which gave you useful skills for cabin crew job.


One  thing I would highlight: In the education section I also emphasized my results like this: 94% final result or 80% final result. If you really had good results during your studies, this is something you need to highlight, because it can be a big advantage.


Hungarian: mother tongue
English: fluent
That’s it, very simple. You don’t need further details like “fluent in reading, fluent in speaking, fluent in listening” etc. This information is obvious. Having language exam is also something which is not that important. They wanna know your REAL language knowledge, having a piece of paper about any certifications doesn’t provide anything.

Here we are guys, I hope you found this post useful and easy to follow :). If you have any additional question, feel free to ask!



15 thoughts on “How to write your CV

  1. Thanks for your swift response Dorottya, your advice has truly been helpful. I follow as many blogs as I possibly can its nice to read up on your journeys in detail, as hopefuls as myself will have an idea of what to expect. I’m attending my second attempt AD on the 14th Nov & I’ll use all the tips I got. I’ll also keep you posted on how it all goes. Congratulations on becoming Emirates Cabin Crew, the skies are your new office with an amazing view of course!


  2. Thanks Dorottya!! A question please!!! What about photos?? Is a good idea to place it on the CV or separate? And what kind of photo?(Open day).
    Also what about the layout for CV, any recommendations? Thanks again!


    1. Hi Natasa! As you can see the part of my CV, I placed a photo on my CV, but it is not mandatory at all, if you give a separate photo to the recruiter.
      I would not suggest you to use europass, cause that’s so boring. If you type “CV layout” or “CV sample” on Google, you will find hundreds of examples. USe something simple and clear, with not too much information, focus only on the most important things.


      1. Thank you so much!!! So did you only have the CV photo??? And if you have another photo what size has to be?


      2. Your welcome 🙂
        I had the CV photo and a full length one as well, which was 10×15 sized as far as ÍI remember. I wanted to make good impression, that was the reason :).


  3. Hi !
    I have one question, I know that it’s not necessary to have customer service experience, I’m currently in college and I only have experience in the business market. The closest to a customer service that I worked was at the HR department as a intern. Do you think I have chances? and do you know someone who got the job without customer service experience?

    Sorry for the long comment and thank you for your attention .


  4. hai dorottya, nice to read your story, can i have your line id for my next question, i want also to join emirates. if you dont mind, you may search my line: masdeddyht

    thank you and success


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